Monday, March 18, 2013

Not a Lot of Hermiting or Stitching

This past weekend was International Hermit and Stitch weekend...and I was far too busy to do much of either! I did however get some stitches in on two more March Madness pieces!

First, I worked on Stitching ABC's on Saturday and went from this:

to this:
As of 3/16/13

And then on Sunday, it was back to European Bistro, which went from this:

to this:

As of 3/17/13
A little progress is better than no progress! I'm going to make a dedicated effort this week to try to get at least a few stitches in each night...we'll see how it goes!

Until next time!


  1. Wow, you did some lovely stitching!

  2. Nice progress! I got nothing stitching-related done this weekend, so I feel your pain :P

  3. Good progress. Like you and Sarah who posted above I got little stitching done. You did a lot more and it looks great!

  4. European Bistro looks great! Keep on stitching!

  5. I totally agree, even a few stitches are better than none! Nicepieces!

  6. Progress is progress and I definitely see some in your projects =)
