Sunday, October 14, 2012

April Showers Bring May Flowers...

Well, okay, I know it's not April, but we did have October thunderstorms in the middle of the night last night. That counts, right?

Today started a new rotation week, and I started working on May Lily of the Valley Teacup for the Teacup Quilt for World of Charity Stitching. I am so grateful for the recommendation to stitch this on 28 count over two rather than 14 count over one like I originally planned. This piece has SO MANY quarter crosses, and being able to stitch this over two has let me handle those quarter crosses much more neatly than I would have otherwise. This is also my first time to work with Jobelan, and I absolutely love it! I really think that my days with purposefully selecting Aida may be close to an end...

Here is the progress I made today. The white thread of several of the flowers is harder to see, but will be much more visible once I go back to do the backstitching:

May Lily of the Valley Teacup - New Start, New Rotation Week
I will be working on this piece all this week and depending likely will not move it all the way to the bottom of the rotation since it is for WOCS and there is a deadline for it. I figure I will do one week on, one week off until it's done. In the past, I worked on WOCS projects until they were completed, but with this one's deadline not until December, I can afford to keep working on my rotation otherwise!

Heading to bed now - I have to be at my office tomorrow morning by 6:30 for a half day, all management in the entire hospital meeting. I'm usually not at work until 8:30 or 9, so this will not be the most fun for me, nor my husband who will have to get both kids up and bring them both to school in the morning. We typically split the duties of getting them ready, with him bringing my daughter to school and I drop off my son at daycare, but everyone will still likely be sleeping at the point that I actually have to leave the house to get to the hospital. Oh well. Maybe I'll sneak out early tomorrow. We'll see...

Until next time!


  1. A lovely start. How are you finding evenweave compared to Aida? I've just started a project on evenweave (28ct) and I'm worried my stitches aren't neat etc.

    1. I haven't noticed any problem on this so far!

  2. Great start! I can't wait to follow your progress.

  3. Great progress! I have recently started stitching on linen, as well. I used to be Aida 'only', but once I tried evenweave I was sold. I almost never use Aida anymore. Your stitching is beautiful :)

  4. You have made a great start on this teacup full of flowers! It's so much easier on 28 ct than trying to poke in the middle of an Aida 14 ct square, isn't it?

  5. Your lilies of the valley are going to look stunning. On the whole I prefer evenweave to aida - so much easier to stitch with.

  6. I do agree, with those fractional stitches, evenweave is so much easier. I have only seriously started stitching on NON Aida fabrics this past year, and I am loving it.
    Here is the link to the facebook group - the Crazy Crossstitch Challenge. Still trying to decide on 15
