Friday, February 15, 2013

Theme-A-Licious and IHSW

It's Theme-A-Licious mid month check in time again! This month's theme is:

Figural February

Who are the people in your neighborhood...your WIP neighborhood, that is? Give your people-populated projects some face time this month.
 Now, I have to admit...I have pieces that have actual people in them, but they're not up in my rotation I'm fudging on this theme a bit because the pieces I have worked on this month actually are related to people, even if they're not visibly populated on the WIP...

That includes My Witch's Brew - all about a witch, who is a person after all:

And I've also been working on my wedding sampler, which is all about me and my husband, so what more people populated project can you get? (Yes, I know it's a stretch)...

I made some great progress last night:
As of 2/14/13
 And made even more progress tonight:
As of 2/15/13
What a difference the daylight, or lack thereof, in a picture can do!

Today is also the start of International Hermit and Stitch Weekend! Tomorrow will be my last day on Wedding Sampler for this rotation week, and then I'll be working on European Bistro! I hope to get a lot of good time spent on both pieces this weekend!

Until next time!


  1. Hello Katy

    Lovely stitching!
    Enjoy IHSW!

  2. Great progress on both pieces Katy.


  3. You're getting the hang of this justification thing quickly! :) That wedding sampler looks like it's going to be really lovely.

  4. I love your justifications, and you made excellent progress on your pieces.

  5. Great stitching, Your justification of witches brew, helped me shoehorn my CS Lewis quote in to the feb theme, so thank you!!!

  6. Hi Katy!
    Your works are looking great!
    Waving from Georgia!
    I like Witches Brew..... ;)
