Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A is for...

Welcome, welcome, to my first post as part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge! I'm so excited to be participating in this challenge this year!

For those of you new to my blog, my name is Katy. I'm a 34 year old stay at home mom of two great kids, daughter T who is 8 and son D who is 4. I've been married to my college sweetheart for 13 years as of this June, and couldn't be happier! I have been cross-stitching since I was a little girl and it is my go to relaxation and meditative hobby. I invite you to stick around, take a look at my many works in progress and if you like it here, please feel free to come back anytime!

For this challenge, I'm doing what several other stitchers are doing and working on an alphabet piece to share this month. Mine is from Fangirl Stitches and is a character alphabet based on one of my favorite television shows, Once Upon A Time. Each day of this challenge, I'll post my completed stitching for that day's letter. I will say that this show can be a bit complicated if you're not familiar with it - many characters you are familiar with in fairy tales (especially Disney movie based ones) can be wrapped up into one character on the show, so to make it a little easier to learn about each character, I'll be including a link to their page on the Once Upon A Time Wiki page!

So, without further ado, may I introduce our character for the letter A - Princess Aurora!

No blond hair to be seen, right? I told you things are a little different in this show's version...

I hope you've enjoyed your stay and that you'll come back soon!

Until next time!


  1. Wonderful start to the challenge, Katy :-) I like that show, but I watch it on Netflix. Funny, I'm a 35 year old stay at home mom, and my husband and I have been married 13 years as of last November!

    1. Hehe, love that we have so much in common! Can't wait to see your progress this month!

  2. What a great way to work your way through the alphabet!

  3. A great way to work through the alphabet. You must be a fast stitcher!

    1. I can be when I have a deadline, self imposed or otherwise. When I'm just working on my pieces without a deadline, I'm much more leisurely!

  4. Great start Katy. I had looked at this chart but knew that I would not be able to get a letter a day stitched. I'm looking forward to seeing your letters each day.


    1. Have to admit, I'm a few days ahead so I can stay caught up!

  5. She's so pretty :) Although the character herself was a tad irritating.

    1. You designed a great pattern! :-) And yes, she's a little irritating. Still want to know how she turned back into a human after being turned into a flying monkey...

  6. I'm impressed. Don't know about needlework, but it looks like it must have taken some time to do this.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you! It does take some time, a couple of hours per letter at least depending on how many times my kids interrupt me!

  7. I love your choice! Beautiful start!

  8. Oh I love this one and can't wait to watch it grow. We love this show. Good luck!!

  9. I've been debating on whether or not to outline their eyes, you've made up my mind for me...thanks!

  10. This is so neat! I have watched a few episodes from the first season on Netflix.

    Speaking of stories, in my story I am in the empty nest chapter. My children are 27 and 20 years old. I have wonderful memories of those years spent at home with the kids.

    You did a great job stitching that character! I am looking forward to returning to see your posts in this A-Z challenge.

    1. Thank you so much! I have only been a stay at home mom for a little over a year but it's such a blessing, I love it!
