Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z is for...

I did it! It's here! The end of the journey! Today we meet the last character in our alphabet, Zelena, also known as the Wicked Witch of the West!

Zelena is the older half sister of Regina and was the first of the sisters to study under Rumplestiltskin. She originally wasn't green - she turned that was out of jealousy. She has a fondness for turning people into flying monkeys (Aurora can attest to that), and we thought she was long gone. Apparently we were wrong. I'm not going to go into too much more detail because it's all about the current season and part of it makes me want to yell at the television!

With the completion of Zelena, I have finished the entire sampler! Yay!!

Once Upon A Time Character Alphabet Sampler by Fangirl Stitches
Started: 3/30/15
Finished: 4/29/15
Stitched on 32-ct. Jobelan in Witches Brew from Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie

I've had a ton of fun with this challenge and I can't wait until next year's!

If you've missed my previous posts in the A to Z Challenge, feel free to check them out at:

Until next time!


  1. Congratulations, Katy!! Woo hoo!! You made it!! I'm so impressed you were able to keep up with it. Great job! Beautiful stitching!

  2. o yay, it looks wonderful all together like that! :D Love the fabric, too. It was fun learning about this show as you stitched. Maybe one day our Internet will allow streaming!

  3. Congrats on making it to the end Katy. It is absolutely gorgeous. It was fun to travel the journey and learn about the characters with you.


  4. Congratulations on completing the A-Z! I've really enjoyed your posts this month. I think they were definitely the most original I came across during the challenge :)

    Fee | Wee White Hoose
    Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z

  5. Well done! They look fabulous all together

  6. It's been a lot of fun watching this one and hearing what you think about the characters. We are a few shows behind so I really need to catch up to see what's been going on. Thanks for not posting spoilers. Love the whole piece!!! Congrats!!!!

  7. Congrats! You made it! And it looks fabulous on that fabric!

  8. A fantastic finish! Congrats on managing to get the pattern finished in a month, and I love the fabric you've chosen

  9. Congrats on getting through this challenge! And on a fabulous finished piece!

  10. Congrats on keeping with it! It looks great!

  11. Congratulations! It looks stunning seeing all of them together:)

  12. Wow, that's amazing! It looks so good all together. Congrats on a great finish! :D

  13. Well done on finishing them all! The completed project looks great!

  14. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Wow, congratulations on completing the A-Z and this amazing design. There really is a lot of stitching in this piece and you did the detailed story posts every day too. I found them really interesting as I know nothing about this show at all!

    1. Don't know what all that code at the top is about! Commenting is being weird.

  15. wow! great job, Katy!
    I'm not watching OUAT but like Jo I thank you for telling me a bit about it every time. you put a lot of work into this piece, and sticked with it till the very end and for that you have my unreserved admiration!
