Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for...

Another day, another letter! Today, we get introduced to David Nolan!

Also known as Prince Charming, he is married to Snow White, the father of the Storybrooke "savior", Emma Swan, grandfather of the "True Believer", Henry Mills (all of whom we'll see later in this piece), and he's the sheriff of Storybrooke.

Now, the Charming family are the main protagonists of the show, but I have to admit, there are many times I think they are the actual villains rather than the heroes. Things are not always so black and white and so many of the problems that other characters deal with are directly a result of the Charming family's actions. But then, I could just be the minority in my opinion!

If you've missed my previous posts, please feel free to check them out at:
A is for...
B is for...
C is for...

Until next time!


  1. Great idea for the challenge. Having looked at a few of your posts you seem to have a lot of WIPs. I haven't done any stitching for a while and have a few WIPs. I suspect though that you are much better at finishing them than I am!

    1. Twenty six in process to be precise! And not a ton of finishes, but that's okay!

  2. Stitching like this takes such patience, kind of like writing!

    New follower.

  3. I get more and more confused with each letter but am enjoying reading about the characters.


    1. This is a show that doesn't make any sense when you don't watch it. When I first heard about it, I very much thought "Huh?!" But once I started watching it, it all made sense! And it's addicting to boot!

  4. I really like this one!

  5. Actually I've always thought pretty much everything was Snow's fault

  6. I agree with you. They tend to do a lot of villain things. I think it's the same way they show villain's not always being bad.

  7. Gorgeous stitching the more I see the once stitching the more I think I need to watch the show.

  8. Gorgeous stitching the more I see the once stitching the more I think I need to watch the show.
