Monday, May 4, 2015

A to Z Reflections

It's been a few days since the A to Z challenge ended and I wanted to write my reflections on the challenge in general.

Overall, I really had a great time! I love having a completed cross stitch piece at the end of the challenge and I'm already planning on doing this again next year! I also have a nifty little badge to show off on my blog. Yay!

Things I have learned include:

1. If I stick with doing another alphabet, I'm going to try to keep to one figure/character per letter. The OUAT Alphabet was great, I love it, but all the double characters got a bit overwhelming some days.

2. I plan on starting the stitching a little earlier than I did this year. Life happens, especially with a husband and two young children, and it would be nice to have a little more breathing room than I did when I did the challenge this year with completing the stitching every day. The blogging daily was never an issue for me, I do that anyway. It was the stitching that proved the most difficult challenge!

3. I need to do a better job of visiting other blogs (again, something that would benefit by me getting a little bit ahead with the stitching), but I had some difficulty with doing that this time partially because of the time, but also because I would lose track of where I stopped surfing when blogs were removed from the list and I also wanted to visit blogs that piqued my interest by the topic in general first. While everyone was supposed to indicate what type of blog they have on the linky list on the A to Z Blogging Site, the majority really didn't. I'd love to see that be a required field for the linky list next year. It would make it easier to hit the blogs I really want to see among the several hundred first.

I think that's about it at this point. I've started bookmarking patterns for possible use next year, and I'm already well into my next challenge. We'll see what happens next year!

If you've missed my previous posts in the A to Z Challenge, feel free to check them out at:

Until next year!


  1. Glad you had a good experience with it. It was fun to watch from this side of the computer screen too haha.

  2. That's a very good thought about the required field because I too like to go visit those blogs that I think I might have something in common with first :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  3. I had fun following the updates. You all did a wonderful job!

  4. I'm still amazed at the fact that you kept up with it so well. I wish I was able to do that!
    can't wait to see what you'll be working on next year!

  5. This was a good Reflections to read. You learned lessons to make the next Challenge better for you and that's important for anyone who wants to be more efficient at finishing A to Z successfully. Someday we'll get that list right!

    Thanks for joining us in 2015!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host

    Tossing It Out

  6. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!

    Mary @ Jingle Jangle Jungle

  7. That is a really good idea to make it mandatory to put your category up for the challenge. I waded through a million (just Kidding) writer's blogs. You gave yourself quite a challenge here. What nice stitching though. I am not crafty that way. I'm driving through on the A to Z Road Trip. Hope to see you again!

  8. Loving your theme :) I think it's really interesting seeing what everyone chose for their themes!
    Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip

  9. Hello there.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge!
    I actually kept quite a detailed spreadsheet of bloggers I visited during the challenge and also those who came back and commented on my blog. I've updated it to include reflections and road trippers as well. It's time consuming, but at least I can check on who I haven't visited yet then make the effort to stop by those blogs. I did it for last year's challenge and I was able to visit all the road trippers then, all the reflections and about 3/4 of the original signup list. Just meandering through today from the Road Trip.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess
